by Landis & Gyr

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The SK12 Systems

Around 1972 a special reader was developed by the Sodeco-Saia laboratories in Geneva, based on an opto-electronic principle. Holes were punched in the card, and then covered with a material opaque to visible light, but allowing infra-red to pass through. This material was a plastic invented by Professor Jean-Daniel Nicoud from EPFL in Lausanne. The card called SK12 (from the reader used to read the card) was first trialed in hospitals and issued to patients for telephone call usage. Each card, when used would log the calls to the user it was issued to. Some BSK12 readers were later installed in PTT Zurich for entry access and telephone access, and were used there for some years possibly. At least one other company (BOMICS) used the SK12 cards.


Early SK12 card developped by Professor Jean-Daniel Nicoud at EPFL in Lausanne (1973) :

Early SK12 Prototypes produced in Geneva (1973-1974) :

Early SK12 HAND-MADE Prototype produced in Geneva (1974) :

Early SK12 Prototype produced in Geneva (1978) :


SK12 Field-Trial used in PTT Zürich for entry access and telephone calls (1984) :


SK12 Field-Trial used in Hospital in Bern for telephone calls (1980) :


SK12 cards for the BOMICS compagny :


Laboratory pictures provided by Professor Jean-Daniel Nicoud (1973-1976) :


Article (in german) published in 8/1983 by the swiss PTT :

LEBA2 readers and cards (25th of September 1972) :

PROJECT DRAWINGS (4th of October 1972) :