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Written by Alain Knecht   
Sunday, 02 January 2011 17:14


2016 :
Dec : FI-STU11-POR-01 and -POR-02 augmented with wallet and instructions card.


2015 :
Dec : SE-STU13-MAA-01 added,
Oct : DY-GBR-10 added,
Oct : FI-STU11-BEL-03 augmented with new 16th & 21st prints,
Oct : FI-STU11-BEL-04 augmented with new 8th print,
June : FI-STU05-USA-NYN-01 added,
Mai : SE-STU11-BEL-02 augmented with new 6th print,
Mai : FI-STU11-BEL-03 augmented with new 4th & 11th prints,
Mai : FI-STU11-BEL-04 augmented with new 5th print,
Feb : DE-STU07-GBR-01 augmented with new 2nd & 3rd prints,
Feb : DE-STU07-GBR-02 augmented with new 2nd print,
Jan : OF-STU11-ALG-01 augmented with new 2nd print,
Jan : EX-STU07-GBR-04 to -07 added.


2014 :
Dec : DE-STU15-TWN-01 added,
Dec : DE-STU22-NED-01 added,
Dec : FI-STU11-ICE-01 added,
Dec : DE-STU11-SWI-05 added,
Dec : DE-STU11-GER-03 added,
Dec : OF-STU06-BRU-02 added,
Dec : DE-STU07-GBR-07 added,
Dec : TE-STU08-AUS-14 added,
Dec : DE-STU07-GBR-08 & -09 renamed,
Dec : DE-STU05-USA-MIC-01 renamed & explained with filiation,
Dec : FI-STU01-CAN-01 augmented with nicely used 308A,
Dec : FI-STU01-CAN-02 augmented with third print,
Dec : SE-STU11-DEN-01 augmented with first print,
June : DY-BEL-07 added,
June : DE-STU04-BEL-11 & -12 added,
June : DE-STU06-GBR-06 added,
May : RE-STU11-USA-02 augmented as INTELEXPO for the USA,
Mar : FI-STU11-BEL-04 augmented with first print,
Feb : DE-STU02-FRA-08 & -09 added.


2013 :

Sep : EX-STU03-SWI-03 added,
Sep : FI-STU07-GBR-09 added,
Sep : FI-STU03-SWI-07, -SWI-11 and -SWI-16 to -SWI-19 added,
June : TE_STU09-NED-01 augmented with first print,
June : TE_STU22-GEN-01 augmented with first print,
June : TE_STU22-GEN-02 and -GEN03 splitted between FULL POINT & COMMA cards.


2012 :

Oct : EX-STU22-SEY-01 augmented with a second type of card,
Sep : FI-STU11-BEL-03 augmented with 5th print,
July : SE-STU04-BEL-02 augmented with 4th print,
May : SE-STU22-GEN-03 added,
Feb : FI-STU02-FRA-10 & -11 augmented with Matrix #7,
Jan : SE-STU07-GBR-01 augmented with "Single Stripe Encoded" card.


2011 :

Dec : SK12 cards augmented,
Dec : TE-STU11-POR-GEN-02 augmented,
Aug : FI-STU11-BEL-03 augmented with 5 new prints,
Aug : FI-STU11-BEL-04 augmented with 2 new prints,
Aug : FI-STU02-FRA-04 augmented with 5th print,
June : FI-STU11-BEL-03 augmented with 6th & 9th prints,
June : FI-STU11-BEL-04 augmented with 3rd print,
June : Genuine First Public Phonecard of the World,
June : SE-STU15-TWN-05 augmented with TOP-LEFT control number,
June : SE-STU02-FRA-03 augmented with 3rd print,
June : SE-STU07-GBR-33 augmented with TOP-LEFT control number,
Apr : SE-STU15-TWN-02 augmented,
Mar : OF-STU08-AUS-01 augmented with 10 prints,
Mar : OF-STU05-BER-01 added,
Mar : FI-STU02-FRA-11, -12, 13 & -14 augmented with more details,
Mar : DE-STU11-AUS-01 added,
Mar : TE-STU08-AUS-10 added,
Mar : EX-STU08-AUS-04 added,
Feb : SK-BEL-01 augmented,
Feb : SE-STU14-ESP-02 splitted for ALICANTE & CANARIAS,
Jan : FI-STU02-FRA-12 added (red 40u card with 2mm stripe).


2010 :

Dec : TE-STU07-GBR-15, -16, -19, -20, -21 modified and -17, -18 added,
Dec : SE-STU07-GBR-04, -16, -19, -26, -27, -32, -33, -36, -38 and -39 detailed,
Sep : TE-STU08-AUS-15 added,
Sep : Testcards for Malaysia completed with TE-STU10-MAL-01,
Sep : Testcards for Thailand completed with TE-STU23-THA-01 & -03,
Sep : TE-STU07-GBR-01 and -GBR-03 augmented with new control numbers,
Sep : New 3rd print for FI-STU14-ESP-05 (CN 605C) added,
Sep : Ranges of CN (LONG / SHORT tracks) added for FI-STU02-FRA-10,
Sep : SE-STU22-NGR-01 (CN 503A) added for Niger,
Sep : SE-STU22-SEY-01, to -05 (CN 601M, 808L, 906L, 001L & 011L) added for Seychelles,
Sep : SE-STU22-CUR-01 to -03 (CN 906L, 001L & 004L) added for Curaçao,
Sep : SE-STU22-BUR-01 & -02 (CN 711K & 002L) added for Burundi,
Sep : SE-STU16-THA-05 & SE-STU09-NED-01 reported with TOP-LEFT control numbers,
Sep : New 11th print for FI-STU11-BEL-03 added,
Sep : New TE-STU07-GBR-16 inserted ; numbering modified till TE-STU07-GBR-19,
Sep : SE-STU07-GBR-16 completed with SMALL and LARGE fonts,
Sep : AD-BSK36-GEN-01 and -02 modified,
July : Second prints added for FI-STU22-CHD-01 and -02,
July : Article about russian L&G cards added (see FI-STU13-RUS-01-02, FI-STU20-RUS-01),
June : SE-STU04-BEL-02 and SE-STU04-BEL-03 modified,
May : CN and pictures added for FA3-STU04-BEL-04,
Apr : VI-STU07-GBR-01 for Great-Britain added,
Apr : RE-STU11-GEN-01 augmented with its dummy-card,
Apr : DY-SWI-27 for Switzerland augmented with new Hashimoto test-prints,
Apr : DY-TWN-18 and DY-TWN-19 for Taiwan augmented with new test-prints,
Apr : FI-STU22-ARG-02 added for Argentina,
Mar : TE-STU09-NED-02, TE-STU07-GBR-13 and AD-BSK36-GEN-01 added,
Mar : Ranges of 12 colours for silk screen printed cards shown under DY-GBR-08,
Mar : Forum for Classic Phonecards added in the Phonecards Sites' Links,
Feb : FI-STU11-BEL-03 and FI-STU11-BEL-04 augmented with new printrun details,
Jan : SILJA-LINE ferry-cards with prefix 107H and 109H added,
Jan : Field-Trials augmented with Dragsvig Tammisaari, Tampereen Puhelin, Kankaanpää.


2009 :

Dec : Finland cards augmented with new details about distribution and dissemination,
Dec : 30u and 20u OF cards completed for Turkey,
Nov : FA3 erasing-card added for Belgium (120u on 20u cards),
Nov : "Lake Geneva" Democards completed for Taiwan, Israël, Algeria and Stu. 22,
Nov : FA3 cards added for Switzerland (Kinebar/Sprinter), Portugal & Argentina (Zugersee),
Oct : Central-Laboratory section augmented with new articles,
Oct : Adjusting cards augmented with new scans and new details,
Oct : DE-STU16-THA-01 augmented with Royal-Tai-Hologram for Millenium cards,
Oct : L&G Reviews, Brochures and Cards' Production augmented with new articles,
Oct : Technical Feature about SK12 Systems developped in Lausanne and Geneva,
Oct : Experimental card for ultrasonic erasing tests (EX-STU11-BEL-02) is added,
Sep : 1976 Field-Trials for University of Geneva (FI-STU11-SWI-01 to -04) detailed,
Sep : 1977 Field-Trials for Head-Office of Sodeco Saia in Geneva (FI-STU11-SWI-05) added,
Sep : 1977 Field-Trials "A" in Bruxelles (FI-STU11-BEL-01 to BEL-06) detailed,
Sep : 1980 Field-Trials for Bundeshaus Bern (FI-STU11-SWI-06) detailed.

Sincerely yours, Alain Knecht (January 2017)

Last Updated on Monday, 30 January 2017 10:57